My parents moved east from the mid-west when I was 6 to a rambling old house with woods and barn outside Philadelphia, PA. Growing up there with my brother and sisters I experimented with painting, theatre, music and dance. We rode horses, played sports and learned about growing vegetables. Attending an Arts High School, Wykeham Rise was where I developed an appreciation for the work ethic of the artist. My focus in college (Maryland Institute College of Art)and graduate school (Parsons School of Design) was Painting and Printmaking.
I use several different mediums consistently such as oil, watercolor and gouache painting, ink wash, ink pen, pencil, colored pencil, printmaking, collage and clay relief.
I have lived on and off in Hendersonville, North Carolina since 1976 when I married Gary Eblen. I enjoy hiking, gardening and travel. Much of my art is influenced by nature and places I have been.
I use 6"x 11" Speedi-Cut Blocks to make relief prints then add collage from varieties of art papers. They tell a different story every time, which I like.
Watercolor is a favorite choice for catching the light and energy of form while traveling or just looking around at home and in the garden. I often use pen to add a drawing element.
When painting from life for a few hours in plein air or for longer sessions in the studio I enjoy the journey of studying color and space. Yes I do all different sizes!
I like working in clay relief as a way to explore depth. This requires carving into and adding clay (usually stoneware) firing in a kiln, glazing and firing again.
Drawing from nature, memory, and from the imagination is an ongoing process. It can be the start of something that evolves in another medium or a brief observation of the moment.
Working outside, the study of the light and color in the moment is a demanding and exciting subject. With oil paint there can be more range of effects than watercolor.